Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mommy Has A Dirty Little Secret

There is a lot of pressure in the world of moms to be a "supermom". Magazines and parenting books have led moms to believe that good parents feed their children organic food, send them to private preschools, make sure they don't watch TV, volunteer at every school function, and a long list of other unrealistic expectations. The pressure to meet these expectations is intense in the world of competitive motherhood.

But the reality is most great moms don't meet all of these expectations. In fact, the majority of moms I know do not meet any of the expectations listed above.

Every mom has a little thing they let their child/children do to make their lives easier. I call these things dirty little secrets, because moms are to afraid to admit that they do them. I recently polled a group of moms to find out their dirty little secrets.

Moms Dirty Little Secret
"I tell my kids that if they don't stop I will take them back to Walmart where I got them"
"I tell my son that if he goes outside without an adult a burgler will get him"
"Sometimes I let my daughter stay home from school for no reason"
"I let my daughter take a bath in the spa tub so I can get her out of my hair so I can clean up or get things done"
"I let my daughter watch TV just because I want to watch it"
"I give my daughter snacks in the car so she will be quiet"
"I tell my son that if he doesn't stay in buckled in his car seat the policeman will come and take him away"
"I let my two year old eat cookies and jello for breakfast"
"I let my daughter draw all over the garage with chalk and then I clean it up before my husband gets home"
"I fake sleep in the morning so mu husband will wake up with my daughter and I can sleep in"
"I use the Disney channel as a babysitter"
"When my son wants to go to Chuck E Cheese I tell him it is closed"
"I bribe my toddler with suckers"
"I tell my son that if he climbs under the table spiders will get him"
"I tell my daughter her eyes turn grey when she is lying"

This is just a small sample of the little things moms do to keep their sanity. What is my dirty little secret? Well, my daughter is afraid of the vacuum so I put it in front of her bedroom door so she will stay in her room while I mop the kitchen floor. I don't do this because I am a mean mom, I do it because I want my daughter to crawl on a clean floor and I don't want her to run out of her room and surf across the kitchen.

I think it is important for moms to own up to their dirty little secrets. The pressure on moms is intense and we all owe it to ourselves and our fellow moms to admit that we can't always be "supermom". Great moms have dirty little secrets.


Lapa37 said...

LMAO at your dirty little secret it's just to funny I totally understand what your talking about. You do what you have to to get something done.

Stephanie @ said...

LOL. That is too funny. I find myself using similar lines as well. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to get something done or to get them to be quiet for a little bit. Just this morning my daughter ate a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast.