Saturday, August 30, 2008

10 Things NOT to say to a pregnant woman:

1. Are you having twins? If a woman is having twins she will tell you. NEVER assume a woman is carrying twins. How would you feel is someone asked you if you were fat? Because really... what you are saying to this woman is that she has gained so much weight there is no way there is only one baby in there. It's just rude.

2. You must be carrying a really big baby. Please refer to number 1 because you are sending the same message across with this comment.

3. Your feet look huge. Oh really do they? Because at 9 months pregnant no one can see their feet. In fact, at this point in a pregnancy it has been a good 3 months since an expecting woman has seen her feet. Don't make her feel self conscious about them.

4. You have to breastfeed. No one has to do anything. If a woman wants to make her ta-tas milk jugs that is for her to decide.

5. You should try not to eat to much when your pregnant, you will regret it later. should try to keep your mouth shut. Never get between a pregnant woman and her food. If she is hungry let her eat. When you are busy making a baby in your belly you can eat as much as you want. Plus she is not going to have time to remember how much she ate when she has a screaming newborn to take care of.

6. Are you nervous about labor and delivery? Are you an idiot? Of course a first time expecting mom is nervous about pushing a human life out of an area where the sun don't shine. Don't ask stupid questions.

7. You haven't had the baby yet? If you seen a pregnant woman and she is not carrying a newborn with her, do not ask this question. A pregnant woman approaching her due date does not need a reminder that she is still pregnant. She know that she is pregnant, she gets a reminder every morning when she is 9 months pregnant and tries to get out of bed and gets

8. Are you excited? No she is horribly disappointed. What kind of a question is that?

9. Can I rub your belly? Can she smack your face? Why would you ask a complete stranger or someone you know casually if you can rub her belly? It is not normally to go around rubbing people. In fact, I think that is why we have sexual harassment laws.

10. How much weight have you gained? How much weight have YOU gained??? Did you appreciate that question?


Helene said...

I love the comments back to the questions!!! I think I've been asked every single one of those questions (and then some) with both my twin pregnancies!! And, yeah, why do people ask if you're excited?? I've never gotten that one...I couldn't imagine anyone saying "no, in fact, the opposite...I'm dreading every minute of parenthood".

JenEverAfter said...

On a particularly fat-feeling day, oh so long ago during pregnancy, my aunt asked me if I was having twins. I guess by the look on my face, she realized she'd really screwed up!

Minxy Mimi said...

I totally agree...esp with the "You have to breast feed" comment! All of your dont's are right on!